Find what you are looking for!
Anytime, Anywhere

Why Search?

An office worker spends an average of 40% of his time searching for information. The GEODI Search solution saves you time! Your organızational agility will increase making you less prone to be affected by personnel changes. All employees, including senior management, can access and take notes while being able to view them 24/7 from their desktop, laptop or mobile devices within the scope of their authorization. GEODI Search solution will be the biggest step for a paperless office.

Why Search?


The GEODI platform lets you get started right away with its ready to use integrations. You can use web services, database connections, and other methods where ready integrations are not enough or there are more specific requests. To move forward you may use open API documentation of the GEODI Platform.

Search, Discover, Mask, Encrypt, Classify

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