Gelecek Varlık - Protecting Sensitive Data with GEODI and Symantec

Gelecek Varlık - Protecting Sensitive Data with GEODI and Symantec


❝ With great effort and contributions from Dece Software, Symantec, and Partners, a successful outcome has been achieved for a challenging and extensive integration project.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved in this project, whose contributions we will come to appreciate even more in the future❞

- Serdar Baygın / Group Manager - Information Technologies System and Network Management

About Gelecek Varlık A.Ş. Gelecek Varlık A.Ş. stands as Turkey's premier and largest asset management company, dedicated to safeguarding its sensitive data with advanced technology solutions.

The Challenge

Gelecek Varlık, like many organizations, grappled with the complexity of managing a vast trove of structured and unstructured data dispersed across multiple sources, including PCs, shared folders, databases, and diverse repositories. This data diversity posed challenges in accurate data discovery, given the multitude of storage environments, file types, and unstructured data. Further complicating matters was the continuous data generation by around 600 white-collar employees.

The Solution

Recognizing the paramount importance of information security, Gelecek Varlık embarked on a journey to achieve accurate data discovery and automated data classification within this intricate data landscape. They seamlessly integrated GEODI into their workflow, allowing the platform to consolidate data from various sources. Through semantic discovery, GEODI efficiently identified sensitive and personal data, both in structured and unstructured data environments.

As data discovery progressed, GEODI introduced automatic classification rules based on precision and accuracy of semantic discovery for data stored on end-user computers and shared folders. Users actively participated in this process, classifying documents and emails on their endpoints using GEODI Classifier. The results from GEODI's classification process served as valuable guidance for Symantec's network and endpoint protection actions. Symantec's enhanced capabilities ensured effective and simplified data protection, not only at endpoints but also across network data.

Benefits & Outcomes

With the help of GEODI, Gelecek Varlık successfully discovered over 10 million documents in shared folders, with roughly 2.7 million of them containing personal data such as resumes, health reports, names, IBANs, and other sensitive information. This sensitive data was expertly identified, classified, and reported using semantic capabilities of GEODI.

Presently, GEODI classifies approximately 7,000 documents daily, ensuring ongoing data protection. Symantec's robust network and endpoint security capabilities further enhance Gelecek Varlık's incident tracking, reporting, and data monitoring, allowing for timely preventive actions in line with established policies.


The collaborative efforts of Symantec and GEODI effectively addressed the complex and extensive data security needs of Gelecek Varlık. Throughout the process, both vendors' expert partners played a pivotal role in positioning and utilizing the solutions correctly. Gelecek Varlık now not only ensures compliance with GDPR and BDDK Data Security regulations but also continuously safeguards its valuable data assets.

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Search, Discover, Mask, Encrypt, Classify

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