Discover&Protect Your Data

Discover&Protect Your Data


In this blog, we will share the problems and solutions for how to discover data, and how to protect the sensitive part.

Everyone says, “Data is important,” Yes but actually important part is the information not the data itself. Information is knowledge extracted from the data, and it is the value in the data. Data has to be converted into information to be useful. Our discovery tool GEODI Discovery finds the information in the data.

A 100 pages document may contain very little information, but a 10 pages document may contain full of it. We can not say before reading all. One hundred pages take about 200 minutes/3.5 hours to read by an average person. It gets harder as the volume, variety, and velocity of the data increase and after some point becomes impossible. What if we have thousands of pages of legal documents or technical analysis of an investment. Is there a way to move forward before reading all?

Our discovery tool, GEODI Discovery, just does that give you a lot of insight before you read. Information is in these insights. For example

  • Marks all dates and place them on a calendar, so you see the timeline of documents.    
  • Marks all places and place them on a map, so you see the geographical distribution of data.
  • Find duplicate and very similar documents, so saves you reading the same things over and over.
  • Clusters documents by their types, so if someone gave the files in a mess, you can find contacts, proposals, drill logs, designs, or invoices.  
  • Geographical distribution of the content is invaluable,  
  • Documents contain person names, company names, stocks, mention money or COVID,
  • And connections between files based on the common information.

And more, save your time and give a lot of insights before reading.  

Marking/Annotating is another bottleneck in a manual discovery attempt. Let’s assume we decided to read all, but how do we mark the important sections?. You may take notes on a text file or use the comment tool of PDF (Assuming all files are PDF)?. Fine, but how do you keep track of all comments?.

Our solution enables you to mark and comment no matter which format is the content. You can take notes on a PDF file or specific positions on a DWG project or a time range on a video. When a note content matches the search, you navigate to the exact position. Dates, Places and other extracted information are also considered marks. The calendar view of GEODI shows the timeline of the documents and when you click on a date opens the file and navigates you to the exact position in the file. You may also inform your teammates in notes using the well known “@” notation. GEODI enables you and your team to work together, And comprehend and consume large documents much faster.

Data generally comes in a variety of formats, like PDF, Excel, Social Media, e-Mails, papers, scanned documents, photographs, or videos. You either define data sources or a new document by juts drag&drop, and the rest of the processing is automatic. How do we achieve this? Mainly, AI and NLP(Natural Language Processing) techniques enable us to process unstructured text much better than conventional ways.  

GEODI is a powerful semantic search engine. “May-June 2020” returns documents containing the date range no matter how the dates are written. This kind of search experience is much better than any conventional word-based searches.

Sensitive or Important data may change by your needs. Contacts, proposals, design documents, personnel records, medical records, or some other information may be sensitive to you. GEODI allows one to define and discover all. The next step is to protect it.

GEODI Classifier is a document classification tool that helps you protect the data. GEODI Classifier add-on runs in word, excel, PowerPoint, outlook, or exchange server and labels the documents and e-mails. The Classifier works with many well known DLP(Data Loss Prevention) solutions such as Forcepoint, Symantec, TrendMicro, McAfee, or ESET Safetica. Automatic classification is an important feature of the GEODI Classifier and uses GEODI Discovery services.  

GEODI is one of the most complete solutions for search, discovery, insights, and data protection.

Best wishes

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